Saturday 19 March 2016

The Sense of an Ending

The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes an English novelist won 2011 Man Booker Prize. This is Eleventh novel of writer. This novel was released on 4th August 2011in the United Kingdom. This novel is based on memory of writer (narrator). That how narrator recalls his past (memory) and that create a sequence of accident and that makes a twist in the story. Thus the novel based on Memory of narrator.

Ø What is the meaning of phrase ‘Blood Money’ in Veronica’s reply email?

Julian Barnes here justifies the Universal Truth that “One cannot know what he does not know” – with the reference of Tony Webster that he never understand the words of Veronica, When Tony asked Veronica about the Money at that time she replied with very tragic answer “Blood Money”.  When Tony asked about other things at that time Veronica also replied with unaccepted answer: -

"You still don’t get it. You never did, and you never will. So stop even trying”.

So here it can be interpreted that why does Veronica say ‘Blood Money’? Because there are two persons who are responsible for Adrian’s suicide they are Sarah and Tony Webster according to Veronica. Due to Sarah Adrian committed suicide as he makes her pregnant and another reason can also be given is that Veronica thinks that Tony Webster is responsible as he writes letter to Adrian. So the letter causes damage. Therefore Veronica thinks that Tony Webster is responsible for the suicide of Adrian. Hence we may say that she calls that money as ‘Blood Money’.

Ø How do you decipher the equation: b = s – v x/+ a1 or a2 + v + a1 X s = b?

The meaning of the mathematical equation: 

 b = s – v x/+ a1 

a2 + v + a1 X s = b

Let’s analyze the both equation

b = s – v x/+ a1

b (baby)
S   (Sarah),
V (Veronica),
 a1 (Adrian), 

Here, we can say that Baby in the novel was whose baby. That is the question raised here. Here we find that Sarah has not good relation with her daughter Veronica and the symbol of Veronica and Adrian is not clear there may be multiplication and addition. So it is not clear in the novel. So this acquisition is not clear in the novel.

a2 + v + a1 X s = b?

a2 (Anthony Webster), 
V (Veronica),
a1 (Adrian),  
S (Sarah), 
b (Baby)
In the novel it is clear that tony has good relation with Veronica. Here it also can be interpreted that Adrian also has fruitful relation with veronica. So the relation of both of them was good with Veronica. The last shows that the Adrian has passionate relation with Sarah. So the symbol of multiplication shows that Baby was the formation of relationship of Sarah and Adrian. So, that was the very relevant to the novel and the story.

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