Monday, 21 December 2015

Blog on on Harold Pinter’s ‘The Birthday Party’

Here my interpretation on Harold Pinter’s ‘The Birthday Party’.

Harold Pinter’s play is a unbounded by many facts. Any sort of single interpretation of Pinter’s play is not possible. He show us in the play blindness, Society’s treatment of an artist and Growing up to adulthood from childhood. One can think of nothingness in every single possibilities. 

The Birthday Party is full of disjointed information that defies efforts to distinguish between reality and illusion.It is a deeply political play about the individual's imperative need for resistance.

Here we say that the menace evolves from actual violence in the play It may develop from a feeling of uncertainty and insecurity. The audience may be made to feel that the security of the principal character, and even the audience’s own security, is threatened by some impending fear. This feeling of menace establishes a strong connection between character’s predicament and audience’s personal anxieties. In play characters of Stanley and Meg is the main medium for comedy in the play. And also we can say that all characters of the play  suffering from some unknown fear. And The House represents security from the outside world but sadly it is impossible to sustain.

 Here my view on ‘The term ‘Pinteresque’, The term defines by Swedish Acedmey, Susan Harris Smith observes: The term 'Pinteresque' has had an established place in the English language for almost thirty years. Pinter's plays are typically characterized by implications of threat and strong feeling produced through colloquial language, apparent triviality, and long pauses. And dramas emerge from the power struggle and hide and seek of interloution.

‘The Birthday Party’ as a political play with reference to Harold Pinter’s  Noble specch; ‘Art, Truth and & politicas’  in that pinter clarify that

‘There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false.’

As we know that when language has its own politics when it on the hands of politicians . power speaks all the things .but in power the real truth is that there never any such thing as one truth to be found in dramatic art. In his speech he talks about delightfully and sensibly argues about that his play is real situation, truth in drama is forever mysterious. And then he talks about the U.S. and says that ‘I spoke earlier tapestry of lies and describes Nicaragua as a ‘totalitarian dungon’.

Yes, movie is successful creating meaacing effects. When McCann and Goldberg came and Stanley ran away with fear from the kitchen. And also the Scene of Blind man’s Bluff is the most important scene of the play or movie. These scene show upcoming danger on protagonist.

 Camera performed vital role here,  in the movie the role of camera is well positioned and successful in creating approprite effects.  In those scenes it shows particular person’s mental condition. What others are doing or thinking about him. 

In the movie the character of Lulu we can say that Lulu is not a major character in the play. In the play we saw that Stanly was trying to seduce her means here we can say that in the modern age woman also suffers from sexual harassment and some other things. We find that in the play Pinter sketches her character in dumbness and we can say that here Lulu’s character represents those women who can’t do any intellectual work.

During watching the play we may find silence situation, character were not move and sometimes they not speaks dialogues too .One more matter of putting “Silence" and “Pause" in movie so it’s very high-quality idea to satire on scenes silently in a hidden way.

 In the movie there are number of symbols uses by director  like mirror, toy drum, newspapers, breakfast, chairs, window-hatch etc. Like Mirror is telling lie to us. It shows us what we want to see. It gave false image of us. Newspaper is shows as means of communication between Meg and Petey.

Thus, Director has magnificently prepared the movie. After the watching the movie we can say that, they are capable to tell what they wanted to. Situation, character, camera work, and dialogue everything is perfect.  

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