Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Movie review on Midnight’s Children and The Reluctant Fundamentalist.

 What is Post-Colonialism.?  Post-colonialism means time after  colonialism. Post-colonialism is study of culture after the physical and political withdrawal of an oppressive power. Post colonialism rejects the dominance of western culture. It challenges Western Knowledge system about East.

Now, My respond of both film Midnight’s Children and The Reluctant Fundamentalist. we can also say that both film are related to the themes of postcolonial studies.

  Midnight’s Children

            Midnight’s Children one of the most much-admired novel by Salman Rushdie. He is Diasporic writer. Who is an Indian-born British essayist and fiction writer. He says about this topic ‘Midnight’s Children’- Indian pessimism. He gives ideas of historical fact and magic realism in novel.

            Midnight’s Children movie is luminously directed by Deepa Mehta, this movie is also based on this novel. The movie is a controversial , that has tragedy, romance and comedy . The movie has a dramatic and mysterious touch that gets you an entire picture of Indian’s journey through all its trials..
The movie is highlighting the two lives of two individual born at the stroke  of midnight when India achieved its independence. This movie take through all the ages beginning from the grandparents to  the children. Born , poor become rich, rich  become poor. Changing of the children plays  vital role in changing plot of the movie. Saleem becomes Shiva and Shiva becomes Saleem, and then movie turns around their lives. Son of rich becomes poor and poor boy suddenly becomes rich. Which is fine example of class conflict in India  at that time.

Here in the case of  Saleem and  shiva  I observed there is a crisis of  superiority , why it happened ? because one is by birth Muslim and one his Hindu . as we know that it is the time of independence, and there where  so many geographical problems takes place . yes it was the time of  partition . so on that base it clear .

In movie the Characters of Parvati, Shiva and Saleem  presents through  magic realism. Magic Realism is also plays vital role in making movie believable. If this technique want used then perhaps we Wont believe in the story. Through magic realism all children brought together in the movie, and it gives novelty to the movie and makes it more interesting.

Movie is also political allegory, presenting dark side of partition, then the war with Pakistan and Emergency. So it looks  like Rashdie as a outsider criticizing india. The scene of india in  the  movie is of slum, poverty which looks defaming india. It looks towards india like western people does.

The Reluctant Fundamentalist

            The Reluctant Fundamentalist  is novel by Pakistan born writer Mohsin Hamid. This movie is also based on this novel.

            The Reluctant Fundamentalist movie is brightly directed by Meera Nair Dir. The whole movie is talk about relations between East and west. The story of the movie narrates in flashback by Changez  Khan. The story of the movie is young Pakistani man is chasing corporate success .In this movie we can see that how has to reality between in film and  Reluctant Fundamentalist in this film main theme.

In this movie we can see the American political affairs and news about  that he watch T.V in shows 9/11 in America land the terrorist attacks to world trade center. That scene at all that fundamentalism and film focus on Changez is also Pakistani everything. This attack 9/11 makes him question all his value and he becomes a logical example of anti-capitalist morals and principal.

After the attack of terrorist in America we can see the how problem coming of Changez khan life in New York. Here we can see the term of Orientalism by Edward said. Orienatalism is a style of thought based an ontological and epistemological, distinction made between Orient- the Eastern part of Asia and it is opposite to occident. And movie also talk about the how western countries see the East countries, in movie Character of Changez Khan is say about what is real fact about the east countries. Also we can say that all Muslim are not terrorist, but whenever capture any terrorist it’s Muslim. So our mind concept that all Muslim are terrorist. After reading the term Orientalism our and also same part of world’s people change the concept of mind his all Muslim are not terrorist but they all are first human being.

He goes back to his roots in Lahore , but he now different person, taking on a different world. Now he become third person mixture of the Pakistani poet’s son and the New York businessman. Now a professor , he spend same time in this tea shop with his many faithful students.  He works as professor but American agents doubt them as terrorist. At the end of the movie, American realize that Changez is innocent.

So film challenges American theory of doubting muslim people. It gives voice to this people.

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